Monday, December 05, 2005

It's a Journey - Step by Step

Proverbs 5:21 (MSG) Mark well that GOD doesn't miss a move you make; he's aware of every step you take.

Proverbs 5 is about living a blameless life -the focus being on sexual purity. Important topic. Tough stuff; however, in all the admonitions of this chapter, it was Verse 21 that got me thinking this morning, especially since I was also reading in Mark10: 17 -29 about the Rich Young Man (who Jesus "loved") and was told to sell all and follow Him.

This Proverbs chapter also made me thinks of King David (When I read Chapter 5, I thought of me, too; but I also thought of David) who was a man after God's own heart because he loved Him wholeheartedly. And even when he fell, he returned "wholeheartedly" because he understood, better than I often, that everything must take second place to God so that He can put into proper order family, fields (business) and feelings  (heart) [my loose transliteration of the Mark passage]. So, when I am having issues in any of those areas, it's more about the "steps" that I am taking that would focus me on my stuff instead of Him.

And all this reminds me of what Richard Kriegbaum said in his book Leadership Prayers in the section on Integrity he points out that we are not business leaders every moment  (every step), but we are ourselves every moment. Imagine that. Every moment counts. And our lives are a much stronger message than our words. Integrity – being whole – means that we must be ourselves in all situations and God has called us to be holy – set apart for righteousness. Can’t do that on my own. It takes two. That’s why we have the Holy Spirit. Are you allowing the Spirit to work in you and for you? It does mean giving up what you want to and letting Him shape you into His image – one step at a time.

“Lord Jesus, may my life be reflective of the family you have adopted me into; I don't want to live it like a stepchild; I belong to your family and I don't want to make you ashamed to call me your brother.”

Hebrews 2: 11 "Jesus and the people he makes holy all belong to the same family. That is why he isn't ashamed to call them his brothers and sisters."

Copyright (c) 2005 by P. Griffith Lindell     

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