Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Leadership Lessons from the Ant – Part II

Proverbs 6: 6 (AMP)

Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider her ways and be wise! -

The instruction is simple, but profound. The ant society has no leader, no guide, no management team, but follows pattern of work built into them by their Creator.

Three observed ant “behaviors” that mirror our work include:

  • Career Training: Ants learn particular jobs, especially worker ants; then, on some schedule, change & learn new careers
  • Education: Ants may be the only group of animals besides us in which interactive teaching behavior has been observed during their life: they pace instruction to the learner’s ability
  • Limited Free Will: It seems that ant inter-relationships more symbiotic than coercive.

Observe and be wise: Leaders mentor, sacrificing time often to teach; a caring leader paces the instruction; and, an effective leader actively listens, interacting and communicating.

What kind of relationships do you cultivate: symbiotic or coercive?

Copyright ©2007 by P. Griffith Lindell

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