Thursday, January 14, 2010

Grabbing a Breath

Writing takes a bit of time and fair amount of mental energy.

Both have been in short supply lately. God graciously has provided a "job" as an adjunct at a local university teaching Principles of Marketing two times each week. New text - actually students have two editions because of an interesting situation; therefore the class is demanding a bit more time to manage the different editions.

In addition, I continue teaching workshops for SCORE and it seems a number of tumbled into the January schedule. Last weekend, I spoke all morning on Five Selling Essentials, then from 5 - 9 began a class on Servant-leadership- Do You Have What It Takes? - a seminar that continued all day Saturday.

I've also taken on an adult Sunday School class teaching the life of Abraham for the month of January.

Mental energy. After writing the above, I now clearly understand why I seem a bit empty thinking about the on-going subject of this blog.

My reading and thinking has been very focused of late - this too will pass and my musings on topics related to leadership will return, if the Lord is willing.

What is capturing your thinking?


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update Griff

I too have been overwhelmed with time demands but have missed our conversations herein. I've had some City and County committees and boards I serve on that have used me up, so to speak.

I so much enjoy your musings and especially your solid teaching on Abraham on Sundays. God is so good to send us the right people (His kids) at the right time to help us grow and know Him better. I have to say because of people like you the the Lord has sent into my life the past 6 to 8 years, I have grown more in Christ than I ever dreamed I would.

Challenges don't get easier but confidence that they will not be more than I can bear is enormous. God is so good, so patient, so full of grace. Wow, I am blessed. I'm reading a book on Grace right now and timing is perfect for me. How did He know that!? Oh, by the way I found my copy of TOTAL TRUTH.

Muse on my friend and let me know your deliberations.

P. Griffith "Griff" Lindell said...

Thank you! God be praised.

Readers, the book TOTAL TRUTH is worth the time to read. It is not a fast read - but a worthwhile read on worldview and the power of the Christian Worldview to impact lives.

RAGAMUFFIN GOSPEL by Brennen Manning is also worth the read - a much easier read: he writes on grace and how we believers need to grasp grace in ways we naturally do not.

Anonymous said...

Never put off till tomorrow what may be done today..........................