Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Proverbs 27:1 (MSG) Don't brashly announce what you're going to do tomorrow; you don't know the first thing about tomorrow.

I was having calendar problems today. Syncing this one with that one and getting too many duplicate meetings between them. Got me thinking about leading and “tomorrows.”

Influencing others is a today thing – can’t put that off for tomorrow. I remember getting so focused on today’s tasks, that the people needing positive influence (nurture, direction, encouragement, care) were placed in the tomorrow slot. As if I would know that I would be there tomorrow to provide that leading. That brashness may not have been verbally announced, but it was part of my thinking. God-like. Knowing tomorrow would be there for me. For them.

Good leadership is about being present. Aware of and taking care of the people and problems - today. You, and they, may not have tomorrow.

Sure, planning is important. So is scheduling properly. That’s not the issue: tomorrow is about attitude. We either have the “I’m in charge” attitude or the “God is in charge” attitude. Which one we adopt shapes how we think about today. And tomorrow.

Got the right attitude?

Copyright ©2010 by P. Griffith Lindell

1 comment:

Dave C said...

I hope so. Some times I do better than others about fretting over what tomorrow will bring or won't bring, that I am not effective today.

It is always good advice to be in the room, so to speak.