Monday, February 07, 2011

The Super Bowl XLV Commercial You DID NOT SEE!

See it here.

The question has to be asked: "Why?"

"Too religious!" was the answer.

Hmm. Secular humanism - that glorifies sex, the gay/lesbian life style, seduction, licentiousness, prurient interest - this religion of "anything goes" is supported.

Time to lead, don't you think?


Dave C said...

Wow, what a beautiful website and message. Not overbearing and abusive, but true and welcoming. I like it.

Make your own choice but at least avail yourself of the information. It certainly was not a preachy message at all. But it did get to the point without being offensive to anyone.

However, we lead best by example than words..... don't you think...

P. Griffith "Griff" Lindell said...

We certainly do lead by example. What struck me is the underlying truth to the message of - "what is John 3:16?"

There are probably way too many people that do not know in this society.

Atlas Mason said...

I wonder if more attention was brought to the commercial because of the controversy than would have been if it had just aired with all of the others?
Maybe the freedom of expression/speech that was revoked in this instance did more good than damage?

Instead of having to watch Danica sell herself and then be confronted with this message, now we can get the message out and appeal to the side of America that still believes in the freedom to express an opinion of what one group of people thinks another group of people needs.
Wait, isn't that called marketing, and istn't that what every company was selling that day?
The church that follows the religion of sin had all of their commercials run, so why could the people who believe that the power of sin has been conquered not be able to tell others about where they place their hope?
I remember something about the gospel being "foolishness" to the world or something.... truer words were never spoken.

It is time to lead with loving others and letting our actions speak louder than a glitzy ad.

P. Griffith "Griff" Lindell said...

We can only hope that "their" refusal to run the ad is bringing more attention to a Christian Worldview.

We are certainly seeing the "foolishness" of the Gospel being lived out today.

Thanks for joining this conversation