Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Lights of the Word

Proverbs 4: 18-19 (NIV) The path of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn, shining ever brighter till the full light of day.  But the way of the wicked is like deep darkness; they do not know what makes them stumble.
  • (AMP) [Verse 18 only] But the path of the [uncompromisingly] just and righteous is like the light of dawn, that shines more and more (brighter and clearer) until [it reaches its full strength and glory in] the perfect day [to be prepared].

  • John 8:12 (NIV) When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."

  • Matthew 5:14 (NIV) "You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden.

  • Ephesians 1:4 (NIV) For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight.

  • Hebrews 12:14 (NIV) Make every effort to live in peace with all men and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord

  • 1 Peter 1:15-16 (NIV) But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: "Be holy, because I am holy."

Uncompromising values.  That's the path we want all our leaders to walk - whether a business team leader, CEO, politician, parent, friend or spouse. Yes, we want that for "them" but it is each of us, not just them. All believers are called to be "lights."  Impossible on our own:  we must appropriate the power to walk righteous path.

I am struck by the analogy given to help paint the picture for us. From the beauty of dawn's early light to the searing light of the midday sun, the message is simply that when walking this path, changes are to take place in those that walk it. In fact, we have a religious term for this walk - sanctification. The doctrine states that our growth along this path is continual and will be completed when we pass from this life into the next.

Our spiritual transformation differs in kind and quality from any man-made light source. In this journey, we are to become ever brighter - not like a battery that overtime looses its power; our light is to get stronger and stronger, brighter and brighter. Obviously not a man-made journey - ours is powered by a source outside of us and is greater than we.  Light is attractive:  people love to look at city lights seen from a high place. We will drive or walk to see a sunset. Some of us want to be awake early not to miss a sunrise. Just as Jesus was light, so we are called to be lights - our lives (our everyday living) so bright and beautiful that the world is attracted to our light.

Which brings up the concept of holiness. We have been called to be Holy - set apart. This holiness is not just a "scared" thing:  it knows no boundaries of sacred and secular. Personal holiness is the most profound mixture of God's sovereignty and human responsibility.  As we mature in our choices, we grow brighter and that brightness touches the lives of those around us - a quintessential synergistic relationship. We are to light up the world!

This is a God thing. He empowers us to walk. We obey. He lights up our life.

Copyright © 2006 by P. Griffith Lindell

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