Monday, April 27, 2009

The Boldness of Leaders with Changed Hearts

Proverbs 27:19 (NIV) As water reflects a face, so a man's heart reflects the man.

Once they knew that their Redeemer lived, the hearts of the earliest church leaders changed from fearful to focused, becoming bold breakers of cultural and religious barriers. They faced the world with new hearts and became models of leadership to follow.

Consider the place of women in this community. At the first recorded prayer-meeting, women were present; incredibly, praying with the men. Unheard of in the Jewish synagogues, this was a radical result of the leadership of the Great Servant-Leader. The gender-barrier broken, ethnic barriers fell, and these leaders ultimately changed the diet of the early church. These, and other barrier-breaking behaviors, were lived out in deeds - not just motivating words and were born of hearts broken of self and filled with the Lord of the Universe.

From their lives (especially seen in the book of Acts), we learn that a heart committed to life of significance is educated through a commitment to prayer, enlightened by reading and meditating on the Word, and ultimately empowered by the Holy Spirit.

The result? Even in the workplace, as you work to break down societal and cultural barriers, your heart, reflected in your countenance, will attract followers who want what you have – the beauty of becoming a magnet of meaning to those seeking meaning.

What do you see reflected when you gaze into the mirror? Do you have the heart to break barriers?

Copyright © 2009 by P. Griffith Lindell


Hetty said...

I am all about love-just as 1 Cor 13:13 and 1 Cor 16:13 will state-it is all about LOVE!!
My heart wasn't able to love the way it does today-until I found my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ-and with that-He filled that void in my heart-didn't need to replace it with anything else as long as I turn to Him-and focus on my walk with Him. Which in turn-makes me love all my sisters and brothers in Christ-all my family who don't know Him-all people that I come accross in different faith-atheists that are kind-are amazing in my life-and I love them all-as for He demands us to-but that isn't it...once you have Him in your heart-the Holy Spirit wrapped around you-it is impossible to hate. You can get upset-but when you are walking right and strong..amazing what you can forgive-and all you love-thru everything! He is the one in control of all that!! And I say AMEN!!
I love to pray for others-I love to get out there and put out my helping hand-will I pastor-no-but I sure will share His Word-my faith-and my testimony. I am very transparent..And I thank Him for that gift!
God bless you for all these blogs! I love blogging!!

In His Love,

Heather @Hetty4Christ

1 Corinthians 13:13 There are three things will endure-faith, hope, and love-and the greatest of these is love.

P. Griffith "Griff" Lindell said...

Thank you, Hetty. Love does pour out of a changed heart - and love can be barrier-breaking.