Sunday, April 12, 2009

The POWER That Made Sunday - Son-day

He is risen.

Three powerful words in any language.

The Power giving the World a risen Messiah is that same Power that is ours to make the Monday - Saturday stuf alive, active and meaningful.

If you serve a risen Savior and believe He is in the World today; if you know that He is living (despite what the world may say), Monday is your opportunity to make Easter Sunday real.

The world's a'watchin, not for a fluffy bunny, but for people who are committed, living life with a confidence and peace that is beyond normal understanding.

Are you committed? Go with God this week.


Jennifer Cannon said...

Thanks so much...I have been asking God to be "More Real" to me everyday!!

P. Griffith "Griff" Lindell said...

You're welcome. And you are right: it is a daily thing!