Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Attractive Leadership

Proverbs 22: 11 (MSG) GOD loves the pure-hearted and well-spoken; good leaders also delight in their friendship.

Leadership that is attractive…motivates.

Pureness of heart will attract both followers and other leaders. Christian business leaders should have an advantage because we can lead from a pure heart and our speech can be seasoned with graciousness. Both are a result not of who we are naturally, but of Christ in us.

Do you want to make a change in your workplace? Work on your heart and leave the rest up to God. His love for you will cover the consequences of your stand for righteousness - your expression of a pure heart.

Will you share your heart? God did.

Copyright© 2009 P. Griffith Lindell

1 comment:

Meredith Gould said...

This is truly wonderful, Griff. Love the kicker line: "Will you share your heart? God did." I'll be sharing this with colleagues.