Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Choose To Seek the Positive and Be Positive

Servant-leadership: CONTROL YOURSELF: Integration of Body/Soul/Spirit

Preparing for January 6th – Epiphany (a Christian Feast Day)

We are now finished with the Christmas Season – well sort-of: On Sunday (January 4th, 2010), in liturgical churches, Epiphany was celebrated – a celebration to remind people of the Incarnation, the visit of the Magi and, for many, Jesus’ early life – baptism and turning water to wine at Cana. Epiphany means “appearance,” “manifestation” or “showing forth.”

Got me to thinking about the new year and just what it means to be people who serve a risen Savior – and that’s a key. If Christ is not risen, than all this stuff about leadership and positive thinking is interesting, may be motivating, but not ultimately important. Christians celebrate a Risen Savior. It changes things.

An email from a friend today reminded all it readers (one of those kind of emails) that we can choose to be joyful or not.: and scripture reminds us that “…whoever goes hunting for what is right and kind finds life itself—glorious life!” That kind of life is a manifestation of the Supernatural. It will be attractive. We each can become an “epiphany” by how we respond to life.

Positive people attract. It is certainly easy to hunt for the wrong and wicked – so much out there to find. Hunting for the right and kind takes discipline; it takes intentionality and a willingness to forego the “junk going on in your life” to find the beauty in life and in others.

Is your life a manifestation of Christ in you, the hope of glory?

Copyright ©2010 by P. Griffith Lindell

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is my life a manifestation of Christ in me, the hope of glory?

Interesting. If I take the first part of the questions I feel I must answer that in more human terms or rather in the natural vernacular (i.e. without faith - which we know comes from God). In my humanity I think of all things I could be or should be for God. To have the audacity to boast that "I" in any form manifest Christ can be a very prideful thing. I must guard against pride as it is what caused the great Lier to fall from heaven.

However, to know Christ, is to want to be like Him. It deepens and grows through studying His word and discussing it within the body of Christian believers. The result is that YES my life is a manifestation of Christ in me. It is for ALL believers. Some of us are infants, that's how we all start out in Christ. But even in our infancy we are a manifestation of Christ. Maybe not as favorable as we would like it to be. So knowing that makes me even more want to be a better revelation of Christ.

When I become focused on that and driven by His Holly Spirit within me I even more realize that my life is a manifestation of Christ. You see, it is the HOPE OF GLORY within me that makes me realize this and makes me want to be more like Him so that I become a reflection of Him. If I only have a little light then I can only reflect a little light. As I grow and become immersed in Him, who is the Light of the world, then I reflect His full glory in me. Ah, to get to that point in my life where I totally reflect Him in His perfection, is truly unattainable but in Christ God sees me that way.

In the world man sees me where I am in Christ. Everything I do is a reflection of Him. Knowing that, I strive to be the best manifestation of Him I can be. Being accountable with other believers and discussing the things of God and His word helps me become the best I can be for Him. Thanks for being a part of that growth in Him for me Griff.
